Hand-crafted Stone Sculptures & Decoration
Uribes Canteras Decoration Construction ServicesStone ProductsFrom start to finish, our sculptures are handled and crafted by artisans. These are not concrete molds – they are all-natural stone.
Our stone comes from the mountains north of Mexico City in Escolasticas, Mexico. Boulders are hand-chosen and hand-chiseled based on the desired project. It might be a column, or a fountain, or a statue – the stone is chosen for that purpose.
Once a stone is chosen, artisans sketch out the basic design on the stone and use hammers and chisels to sculpt the stone into the final design. Machinery is used to make basic columns, but hammers and chisels are used to carve the designs you want in your columns.
Our artisans can make almost anything you can think of. Lions and tigers and bears – oh yes! Do you want a small 1’ tall fountain – or a massive 15’ fountain? Do you want a 1’ statue for a small garden – or a life-size 6’ statue? We can do all of that and everything in between. We can create custom fireplaces, stone window and door frames, gazebos, fences, balconies, and anything else you can dream up. Do you want a custom stone statue of a loved one? We can do it.
Choose from one of our pre-made stone designs – or work with us on a completely custom project based on your ideas! Your imagination is the limit.
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Uribes Canteras Decoration
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